Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Human Brain Gains And Loses Information Through...

How Does Neuroplasticity Occur in the Hippocampus? Joe Hamlin March 21, 2016 Abstract The human brain gains and loses information through neuroplasticity in the hippocampus and in other parts of the brain due to different stimuli acting upon those parts. Neuroplasticity is defined as the ability to rearrange the function to stimulation from external or internal sources. Adaptive and maladaptive neuroplasticity occur mainly in the hippocampus and its structural changes are due to stress, aging, and metabolism. Electroconvulsive therapy, overexpression of mineralocorticoids, and metabolism effects are results of adaptive neuroplasticity; aging and stress show forms of maladaptive neuroplasticity in the hippocampus. In conclusion, stress, aging, and metabolism show that neuroplasticity does occur in the hippocampus. Further areas of study could focus on how alcohol affects the hippocampus’s ability to form new memories or its effects on neuroplasticity Introduction The human brain learns and forgets information through neuroplasticity in the hippocampus and other parts of the brain due to different stimuli acting upon those parts. Neuroplasticity takes place in various levels known as the cellular, population, network and behavioral levels (Bartsch and Wulff 2015). Neuroplasticity is defined as the brain’s ability to rearrange its structure or its function due to stimulation from external or internal sources (Bartsch and Wulff 2015). Neuroplasticity can be beneficial, orShow MoreRelatedThe Brain As A Static Organ After People Entered Adulthood1282 Words   |  6 Pagesresearchers have found evidence that the brain became a static organ after people entered adulthood. However, Norman Doidge, a Canadian born psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, believed otherwise. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Fracking, By Susan L. Brantley And Anna Meyendorff

Paragraph 1: Fracking, also known as hydraulic fracturing, is a method designed to extract oil and gas from shale rock. According to Susan L. Brantley and Anna Meyendorff from the article, The Facts on Fracking, â€Å"The word fracking comes from the fracturing that occurs when the high-pressure water is injected into the rock. The process of fracking is accomplished by drilling into the earth where a mixture of high-pressure water is drilled into the rock causing the gas to be released.† The high-pressure water can have a mixture of materials such as water, sand, and different chemicals. The pressure of the water being injected is so high that it allows gas to burst out of the head of the well. The process can be achieved through two different ways, one being more common than another. One of the processes can be done vertically but the more common method is done horizontally. According to the New York Times, when the drilling is carried by horizontally, â€Å"New pathways ca n be used in the rock layer. Due to new pathways being created, more gas can be released,† (Marshall, 2015). Drillers can create mini-explosions in the wells to boost flow. How do mini-explosions not increase the probabilities of earthquakes? The horizontal drilling can allow millions of gallons of high-pressure water into the fractures of shale. Chemicals can be added to the high-pressure water for the purpose of dissolving minerals as well as inserting sand to open fractures made by the drillers and kill the

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Epq Doc Grade C free essay sample

In my project I aim to create a motivational song which will allow footballers to push themselves, I will do this by researching in football magazines, online articles and asking semi-pro footballers on their opinions to give me an insight on what components are vital in my song. Motivation Is a process which controls a persons behavior to a certain extent, this may be In response to an occurrence e. G. Feeling hungry motivates you to eat something.I want to take advantage of this and use strategies to Increase motivation and therefore drive performance. I would measure this by observing the footballers behavior for example how he felt he performed, how long he/she lasted before fatigued, This cannot be carried out empirically because this technology Is not available. Many footballers need motivation to perform well, If not they can risk losing their team a game. I want to be able to boost a footballers morale at times of need. Chris Carling quotes In soccer, nothing can affect performance as dramatically as a sudden loss of motivation. Without the motivation to succeed a player cannot survive the challenges soccer can throw up. Liz McGowan, London Marathon Winner says Competing successfully in any sporting event is as much about the mind as the body. I like to use music with different tempos to help me with my training its easy to get into the beat and helps you relax more at speed. This tells me that one song cannot be created and named the ultimate motivational songs as many songs help motivate athletes in different ways but I can try and create a song to motivate footballers to the best of my ability. I started by reading a book called Damn Youre Selfish by Jack Spades, the most important information I got from this book was that building friendships with teammates and thinking in a us mentality instead of me mentality is key for excelling performance.I will take on-board this advice and use I reference to teammates in my song to encourage this mentality and therefore increasing performance. I then asked five semi-pro footballers what motivated them to perform well. They answered team speeches and music. I then asked What type of music? The majority replied and the minority said Indies, they were no other genres stated. I gathered from this Information that I would make my song an R;B track that would include motivational speech.I had never created an R;B Instrumental before and wanted the beat unfunded so I ask a friend of mine to create this for me, he Named the Instrumental Motivation and uploaded this to Youth so I could download this as an MPH format In order to add vocals to the Instrumental. I used a program named Audacity to add vocals to my song; this Is a free Cross- Platform Sound Editor. I started by importing my instrumental, after listening to it repeatedly I decided to start the song off with a motivational speech to boost morale. I searched for public motivational speeches. I found a speech that was considered to champion, I was inspired by this and therefore decided to name my song Champion, the speech already had music in the background so I could not put the speech on my song as it would create a demoralizing sound clash, so I used the powerful l am a champion chant in my chorus to give my song a sense of team spirit which from my research I have seen plays a big part in such a competitive team game. Champion! I am a champion! Then wrote my lyrics around this, remembering to use motivation sentences such as Youre never over to create emotions of self-belief.The lyrics I wrote for this were typed on word whilst listening to the instrumental repeatedly. Here are the lyrics, the grammar has not been modified and is exactly how it was when I recorded them Race Senior Champion Lyrics youre a champ dont forget it Dont try half hearted ,youll regret it Goat move through your darkest moments Your never over Remember Rome wasnt built in a day And where the res a will, theres a way The same way you can be who you want be You lead the way and tell me come follow me And if they cant keep up, up he staminaAnd if theyre not faster, up your speed That way you can guarantee youll have everything that you need Youre a warrior, dont let it worry way Your 1st class football courier You here to claim youre vengeance So pay attention cause glory doesnt come free Train till your legs cant pick you up Train till your feet have the perfect touch Train till your cellmates feel the rush Youre not giving up youve came to far from the bench to front of the field, Goat keep your thoughts strong have a mind of steel Goat keep focused cause you play how you feel (And then well snatch victory Yes we will)Working your way from the bottom to the top you cant stop youre a champion Aching everywhere but hard work doesnt scare you youre a champion holds dear, is that the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle victorious . . Vince Lombardi I used a Samson COIL] to record my vocals, this is a USB studio condenser microphone which I used to record at home. I structured my vocals in layers to add affects such has Ad Labiums which is where you record the same verse twice, each in a separate layer to add emphasis to my song. Two layer of the same verse, known has ad-libsAfter recording the song I felt the end needed another motivational speech so I researched more speeches and came across a speech from a film names Best Shot and decided this would be perfect to put into my song. I then recorded my self stating a motivation speech from Vince Lombardi, a successful American Football coach. After this was completed I handed it to 3 of my participants (one of them which said they preferred Indies) which I questioned at the start of my project, I asked them to listen to the song whilst exercising and give me feedback on the song. They all said the song was motivational and driver them to push themselves harder.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Movies Historical Representation Essay Example

Movies Historical Representation Essay Name: Course: Lecturer: Date: We will write a custom essay sample on Movies Historical Representation specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Movies Historical Representation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Movies Historical Representation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Movies Historical Representation No country in the world has recorded its history through films as America has. America has created films about the major events in its history. It has served the memories of its past, and has acted as an educational tool. Apart from the documentaries concerning the specific events, many of the movies portray the events as they happened, with an additional touch of fiction and added or exaggerated heroism. These features appeal to the audiences as they add the entertainment value. Audiences across different sectors have different interpretations concerning the movie. This is largely influenced by the directors’ intention and objective when creating the movie. When the directors are more concerned about the entertainment, rather than the awareness or educational objective, they will not take keen interest about the accuracy of the events. They will instead seek to add visual effects and add other elements that appeal to the viewers. Movies can sometimes serve as a preserve for history, and they aim to represent the events as accurately as possible, but they often lack to show all the details concerning the event, thus making them less credible as sources of historical information. . The movie â€Å"Saving Private Ryan† by director Steven Spielberg is one of the most important and realistic movies about World War II. It is the story about a group of US soldiers who have to save Private Ryan. Many of the families suffered when their children went to the war. The government had set a policy that was aimed at making sure that family lines survived. Private Ryan had already lost three brothers in the war, and the government sent soldiers to save him since he was the only son left. The movie details the events of the operation. It shows the courage of the soldiers as they fight to save one of their own. It shows the loss and the heartbreak that the families suffered when their children went to war with no guarantee that they would ever see them again. The movie shows the bond that the soldiers developed as they fought the war, and the lengths they took to ensure that they survived. The battle scenes in the movie are violent, as they seek to show the real extent of the war. Spielberg has directed several movies about different wars. In a culture and country where war movies are released often, the characters and crew involved in the production of the movie might have watched several war movies. Many of the war movies glorify the individual bravery of the American soldiers. There is therefore a lot of influence of such ideologies in the movie. Sometimes, the directors do not research materials concerning the movie that is actually contrary to the obvious notion of heroism and bravery. They do not include material where soldiers from one country betray each other or make foolish decisions. In many movies, it seems like all the soldiers, and especially those in the leadership position, have a supernatural instinct to know the weaknesses of the enemy, and to know the right tactics to use to control the enemy. This is rarely the case however. Perhaps because of the limitation of time, the directors do not take time to know much about the war. However, it is possible that the main intent of the directors is to please the viewers and show them that the war was justified. Many Americans have lost loved ones in the war. Some of those who have fought in various wars feel that they have given something important to their country. They feel devoted to their country and they feel honored when their bravery is recognized. They are therefore pleased and excited when they get the chance to see such movies. Several printed records such as news articles and books that were written and published, as the war was ongoing give vivid descriptions of the war. In some cases, the soldiers did not always make the right decisions. They were often frightened and they ended up making costly mistakes. Many of the soldiers died in the hands of their fellow compatriots. Some of the soldiers made decisions that ended up putting the troops in danger. The soldiers fighting in the war were not always courageous despite the fact that they had been trained and well equipped for the war. They often made decisions out of fear, desperation, panic or pain (Lewis 134). If such accounts are considered, then it follows that many of the war movies, including â€Å"Saving Private Ryan†, may not be credible, and they do not reflect the war as it really happened. The movies usually show the ingenuity of the soldiers, the wisdom of the captains and other leaders, the obedience of the soldiers to their leaders and the courage of the men. In the movie, the captain chose one of the people who had not been trained for war to accompany them in the search for Ryan. The man did not know the intricacies of the war, and it is through him that the audience learns and sees the fear of the men. There are many factors that led to the end of the war, and that determined the winner of the war. In the case of the Second World War, the American soldiers were fighting with the Germans. The Germans had fought for several years during the Nazi invasion. They were short of supplies and resources, including soldiers, and this weakened them. Americans took considerable time before joining other countries to fight the Germans. They had enough resources when they joined other countries. They were therefore in a better position than the Germans and this enabled them to win the war (Lewis 134). Such accounts are not usually recorded in war movie. The fact that the movie directors and producers show scanty details concerning few aspects of the event, contributes to the lack of credibility seen in war movies. In many Hollywood war movies, someone is always willing to sacrifice his life for the others, and â€Å"Saving Private Ryan† is not an exception. In the movie, Captain Miller chooses to stay behind and fight alongside Ryan. He and his troops go through a lot in their quest for finding Ryan. Some of the men, including Captain Miller, end up dead. What the movie directors fail to realize is that in some of the cases, many of the soldiers are more concerned about saving their lives, than they are in sacrificing themselves for their compatriots. Many critics and audiences believe that the movie is one of the most realistic movies about the Second World War. This is largely because of the graphic violence shown in the movie. The movie starts with extremely violent scenes where the American soldiers are attacked and killed by the Germans on land, and in water. The rest of the movie also has other violent scenes although they are not as graphic as they are in the beginning. Despite its shortcomings, the movie was a good production, and it served to depict the horrors of the war. The movie’s graphic scenes helped in showing just how much the soldiers went through when fighting the war. America has continued to fight in other wars in modern time. It has fought in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and many American soldiers have lost their lives. In the movie, Ryan was lucky enough to survive the war. Other families are not as lucky today, as they have continued to lose their children in the war. The movie makes one wonder whether there is any sense in getting involved in the war. In some cases, American troops are involved in wars, without perceived threat to the county. For instance, NATO’s decision to invade Libya led to the deaths of many people. The country was engaged in a civil war yet the international community, including America, felt the need to fight in the war. There are many ways of resolving conflicts between people, and they d o not have to kill each other as a means of finding peace. Wars are necessary in some cases, as the soldiers fight to protect the people and defend their country. Just like other war movies, â€Å"Saving Private Ryan† is meant to preserve the honor of the soldiers who fought in the war. The directors who direct these movies want to show that the soldiers who sacrificed their lives should be honored and remembered for their bravery. Spielberg aims to show the duty and sacrifice that was made by the soldiers. The movie seems to encourage other people to join in the war (Thompson et al., 56). They do not question the legality of the wars. Many films do not capture the fear of the men and the hatred they have for the war. In the movie, Captain Miller confesses that he feels further away from home every time he kills a person. He does not however do anything about it, but he instead chooses to follow orders. Many families detest wars since they end up losing their loved ones. They not only feel a sense of loss when their loved ones die in the war, but they also feel that their country has let them down. War movies do not capture these sentim ents. They do not capture the fact that many of the soldiers would want to be safe with their families. They seem to promote the stereotypical view that men are supposed to be courageous and they should fight for defense. Anyone who does not hold this view is seen as a coward. American war movies do not fail to show the bond that the soldiers develop with each other. They show how the soldiers sacrifice their lives for each other, and the friendship and the closeness that they develop when in the danger zone. They show the wisdom, ingenuity, courage, obedience and heroism of the soldiers. They sometimes show the fear of the soldiers. These are not usually the true representation of the reality on the battleground. The movies fail to show the cowardice that some of the soldiers feel. They fail to show how the soldiers feel whenever they kill a person. Many of the movies with violent scenes show the soldiers killing each other mercilessly and without remorse. This is not usually the case, as the soldiers will usually prefer to use other methods of dealing with the enemy. The movies fail to show the poor decisions that often put the soldiers at risk. They fail to show how the soldiers panic and they end up betraying and killing each other in battle. The movie is less credible because it contains inadequate details of the event, and it concentrates on the positive attributes of the American soldiers.