Thursday, August 27, 2020

Critical analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Basic investigation - Essay Example Toward the finish of the story, we discover two positions being given to the nearness of the young ladies in the store. Amusingly, both Lengel and Sammy have been taking a gander at the young ladies with a similar male gaze, however wind up performing totally different activities subsequently. While Sammy goes to bat for the young ladies' privileges, the supervisor swears by a regular dissatisfaction with their clothing and humiliates them for it. In Faulkner's short story, the wrongdoing isn't assault - truth be told, Minnie's companions even marvel on the off chance that she was really assaulted by any stretch of the imagination. The wrongdoing is that the men accept that a dark man set out to assault a white lady. While the men rebuff him by executing him, the ladies are viewed as gossipy and needing to know insights regarding the assault instead of attempting to furnish their companion with comfort. Perspective might be utilized as a topical gadget when the creator or storyteller of a short story appears to be progressively worried about introducing a point of view on the subjects of the content, as opposed to recounting to a story or causing to notice ordinary parts of character or plot. Virginia Woolf upset the procedure of giving perspectives her utilization of continuous flow and the inside monolog. In Kew Gardens the perspective is that of the blossom bed, while the bed and the bugs and different highlights in it are introduced in sharp center, we just observe a 'cut' of the lives of the individuals who are strolling by. The main couple's passing by shows that they are repelled from one another - he is strolling a few stages from her. Indeed, even the awful memory of losing his first love is a divided one, as it is uncovered that he can recollect immaterial things about it substantially more particularly than he can - or needs to - review the occasion itself, where his better half turned down his proposition of marriage. His better half and youngsters and his entire life appear to be irrelevant in contrast with the little, paltry subtleties amplified in the story. Russell Smith's short story utilizes perspective to compare what individuals are and what they need to be. His hero discovers life in the urban world harsh, and the account perspective appears to be cynical about existence in such metropolitan communities as Toronto, where triviality is the standard and genuine significance is frequently overlooked. #3. Talk about incongruity as a key component in the story The Age of Lead by Margaret Atwood and the story The Gospel as per Mark by Jorge Luis Borges. In Atwood's The Age of Lead'' the incongruity is by all accounts that two individuals who didn't need certainty in their lives end up with only demise and a 'solidified' presence. The body of the dead mariner that is solidified and being discussed non TV is a solid allegory for the lives that the storyteller and Vincent have been living. Of specific noteworthiness appears the way that the mariner has been dead for long, however that his body is completely safeguarded since he kicked the bucket in the Arctic. The body represents a dead presence where one stays stale and should be dead. Vincent bites the dust of an anonymous sickness at a generally youthful age, connoting that

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Challanges for The SME's ( Small and Medium Size Enterprises ) Essay

Challanges for The SME's ( Small and Medium Size Enterprises ) - Essay Example The yearly monetary record of the association ought not be in excess of 43 million euros. Hallberg (2000) further clarifies that in Europe, various nations have a meaning of SMEs. For example in Germany, a SME must not surpass a constraint of in excess of 255 workers. In Belgium the quantity of representatives must not surpass 100 individuals. This implies an organization that has 255 representatives in Belgium would pay charges at a full rate, however it will fit the bill for an appropriation in the European Union (Padoan, 2010). In the United States, there is a measures utilized in the meaning of a SME. This basis depends on the structure of proprietorship, the sort of industry, the quantity of representatives, and the income that the association gets. In the United States, the top that restrains an association recognized as a SME might be 1500 individuals, yet on most events, the top stands at 500 individuals (Nummela, 2011). SMEs regularly face a progression of difficulties, and one such test is the powerlessness of the association to get some suitable office space (Lenihan, 2010). For example, a SME would require some proper frameworks in their structures, which includes sufficient water and electrical office. Nonetheless, these associations once in a while get such offices (Jetter, 2006). This is a direct result of deficient financing, and capital assets that can make them to bear the cost of these sorts of offices. Besides, SMEs are consistently unfit to get to great internet providers at a less expensive expense. This is on the grounds that the greater part of them need to get their own DSL connections or remote internet providers which are consistently costly. This is on the grounds that they can't pool their assets and buy mass web availability at a discount value (Levy, 2005). Most business people of SMEs regularly need understanding, and this assumes a job in the disappointment of their business endeavors. Due to their naiveté, they are

Friday, August 21, 2020

WordPress Android App For Webmasters [REVIEW]

WordPress Android App For Webmasters [REVIEW] Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!WordPress Android App For Webmasters [REVIEW]Updated On 20/04/2018Author : Malinda AlahakoonTopic : WordPressShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogBe the first is one critical success factor for bloggers. It could be hot news, gadget release or maybe a comment which need quick attention. As long as you are in front of a computer, you have no problem. But if you are away, may be on the road. In such a case you could miss a great opportunity to attract millions of visitors to your blog.Isn’t there any way to keep in touch with blog and administrate it when you are away? Of course you can use mobile browser, but it’s not a perfect solution. When I was stumbling across Google Play Store, I came across with great app which will solve all of the above problems. Using this app you can connect to your WordPress blog and access entire administra tion features when you are on the move.Getting Started with WordPress Android AppBefore you start using WordPress Android app, you should enable XML-RPC from WordPress dashboard - Settings - Writing - Remote publishing.It’s letting Android app to access your blog and publish articles. Make sure you have strong password as well, or else create a strong password. Now you are good to start WordPress Android app.Go to Google Play Store and install WordPress app on your Smartphone.Initial launch will prompt you a licensee agreement. Accept it and proceed.Then it will take you to a window with 3 options. There you can Start a new blog Add blog Add Self hosted WordPress blog.Choose appropriate options. In my case I’d go with self hosted blog option.In the next window enter blog URL, username, password and tap Save.It will take you to app dashboard where you can find all the WordPress options.There you can control posts, pages, comments and settings.Its providing you opti on to publish post right in from your phone with images and videos.When you go to post and page section, you can preview content, share or delete them.In comment section you can see latest comment, reply, approve, spam or delete them easily.The best thing about WordPress android app is it’s giving you notification for new comments.To enable that go to preferences and set update interval and type of notification you need.For blogs you can see stats as well.With upcoming Android 5.0 update, I think this is a very useful app, especially for news blogger. You can update multimedia rich content even when they are in the field. You can keep close eye on your blog and its status. Any blogger would like to give a quick response to commoners. This app is giving comment notification and you can reply to them right in the app. A must try app for all WordPress bloggers and get this app installed in your android phone right away. If you need more engaging apps, you can also check out popular Android forum for this.READHow To Enable Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) On Your WordPress Blog?

Monday, May 25, 2020

Essay about Blood is Thicker than Water in Ethical Dilemma

Ethical Dilemma Is blood really thicker than water when it comes to ethical decisions? In this paper I will explain why I sacrificed an almost non-existent relationship with my brother to do the right thing. My dilemma occurred when brother announced he was getting a divorce. His wife alleged unfaithfulness on his part; however, he convinced my parents there were no outside parties involved. I was aware the allegations were true along with a previous occurrence of infidelity five years earlier. I had first-hand knowledge, but never revealed this to him or his wife. My brother and I are the only surviving children in our family. Although family is important to me, the relationship with my brother is severely strained. I love him, but†¦show more content†¦However, he told the family he wanted nothing to do with her. He also convinced her that one day they would go to Las Vegas and marry again. I discussed this with my parents and was chastised for getting involved. After discussing the matter with a Christian friend, I made a conscious ethical decision to do the right thing and offer her advice based on information I was privy too. This was a difficult decision due to the unspoken sense of loyalty to family that I was raised with. I knew once I helped her there was no turning back. I advised her that I would assist as long as the conversations were kept private. I was raised with the mindset that family always comes first. There were five of us children and we were thicker than thieves growing up. If someone had a battle with one, they got four more by default. Therefore, choosing to support her behind my families back was a huge ethical dilemma for me. I have no doubt that if my parents knew about the emotional support and advice I provided to her during that period, they would not understand how I chose her over my own flesh and blood. I would hope that in time they would forgive me because they raised me to demonstrate high moral behavior. I have never been one to sit idly by and allow injustices to occur if I could prevent them. I tried reasoning with him at times, but he wanted no part ofShow MoreRelatedPlastic Surgery : A Image Of A Woman s Appearance3314 Words   |  14 Pagessociety pushes these women to undergo pain and break the bank just to be accepted. When it comes to considering surgery, doctors also have to consider if the su rgery is right for their patients. This procedure has a lot of risks and ethical dilemmas that go more than skin deep. One of the more sought out forms of plastic surgery would be an abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck. Doctors need to thoroughly examine the patients’ moral reasoning for the surgery to determine whether they are the right type ofRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesBalance Work–Life Conflicts 21 †¢ Creating a Positive Work Environment 22 †¢ Improving Ethical Behavior 22 Coming Attractions: Developing an OB Model 23 An Overview 23 †¢ Inputs 24 †¢ Processes 25 †¢ Outcomes 25 Summary and Implications for Managers 30 S A L Self-Assessment Library How Much Do I Know About Organizational Behavior? 4 Myth or Science? â€Å"Most Acts of Workplace Bullying Are Men Attacking Women† 12 An Ethical Choice Can You Learn from Failure? 24 glOBalization! Does National Culture AffectRead MoreProject Managment Case Studies214937 Words   |  860 PagesShanghai Banking Corporation Limited: Hongkong Bank Headquarters (C) (see handout provided by instructor) Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited: Hongkong Bank Headquarters (Cl) (see handout provided by instructor) Preface Other than on-the-job training, case studies and situations are perhaps the best way to learn project management. Case studies allow the students to apply the knowledge learned in lectures. Case studies require that the students investigate what went right in

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Lung Cancer The Most Deadly Types Of Cancer - 1621 Words

Lung Cancer is one of the most deadly types of cancer. ?Lung cancer kills more Americans than the next five cancers combined? (Jameson). Lung cancer can be caused by smoking, second hand smoke, pollution, and chemicals. ?Some symptoms of lung cancer may be someone who has a cough that doesn?t go away or gets worse, chest pain that is often worse with deep breathing or coughing or laughing, hoarseness, weight loss and loss of appetite, coughing up blood or rust- colored spit, shortness of breath, felling tired or weak, infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia that don?t go away or keep coming back, new onset of wheezing, and often showing no symptoms until it?s too late? (Ungar). Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a risk factor for developing lung cancer, and have a poor chance of treatment after having lung cancer. People don?t know cancer can kill them. There four stages of lung cancer one through four. . The four stages of lung cancer are in stage one the cancer is only in the lungs and nowhere else yet. In stage two the cancer is in the lungs and is moving nearby the lymph nodes. The third stage of lung cancer has spread to the middle of the chest. In the last and final stage of cancer is the worse of them all it has went into both lungs and fluid around the lung or to other parts of the body such as organs or liver Most consumers have the beliefs that more screenings result in many false positives, which can lead to unnecessary worry, moreShow MoreRelatedLung Cancer : The Deadliest Form Of Cancer Essay1183 Words   |  5 PagesLung cancer is the deadliest form of cancer in the United States. It kills more men and women than a number of cancers combined. The disease has many risk factors that affect the chances of obtaining it. The leading risk factor is one that can be avoided, that is smoking. This paper will look at methods to find, diagnose and treat lung cancer. It will show ways to reduce chances of getting lung cancer and also look at preventive methods used. Description of Lung Cancer Lung cancerRead MoreTypes Of Treatment For Cancer1685 Words   |  7 PagesCancer is a name given to a lot of diseases that combine together, that might cause death, tumors, and long days of treatment. Some of the cells then separate and spread into the tissues without stopping. Cancer can start anywhere in the body, the human body has trillions of cells, and when cells grow they get replaced with new ones. But when cancer starts the process of replacing old cells with new ones stops. When the cells get damaged or grow old new cells grow, but sometimes the cells aren’tRead MoreCancer Throughout History Essay896 Words   |  4 PagesCancer in Canada and Cancer Research Throughout History Cancer is one of the world’s most dangerous and deadly diseases diseases, and with the rate of diagnosis in Canada on the rise, and with new discoveries coming out every year, Cancer could soon be cured. Here is a look at cancer in Canada, the research of scientists throughout history. Cancer, by definition, is a cell or group of cells that proliferates uncontrolled. The change in genetic material causes the cell to act strangely, an exampleRead MoreLung cancer is one of the most common types of cancers in the world. There are three main types of700 Words   |  3 Pages Lung cancer is one of the most common types of cancers in the world. There are three main types of lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer, small cell lung cancer, and lung carcinoid tumor. Just like any other cancer, lung cancer is dangerous, and a life threatening problem. Many studies and researches have been presented to find a cure, but an exact cure has yet to be found. There are however multiple causes, ways to diagnose, and treatments for lung cancer. When you think of lung cancer, youRead MoreLung Cancer in Humans and the Rat Respiratory Systems870 Words   |  4 PagesRylee Coder Biology period 4 May 19, 2013 Lung Cancer in Humans and the Rat Respiratory System The human respiratory system is very similar, if not practically identical, to the respiratory system of a rat. The only notable difference is the division of the lobes in human lungs. The left lung of a rat is composed of 1 lobe, while the right lung has 4 lobes. The right lung of a human contains 3 lobes and the left lung is composed of 2 lobes. Other than that (and some structural differences alongRead MoreCancer : A Type Of Disease1203 Words   |  5 PagesResearch Paper: Cancer Cancer, is a type of disease that involves abnormal cell growth and has the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. Not all tumors are cancerous, there is one type that is not cancerous; benign tumors (which do not spread to other parts of the body). Possible signs and symptoms include: a distinct lump, a lengthened cough, irregular bleeding, unexplained weight loss, a difference in bowel movements, and many others. While these symptoms may cause cancer, they mayRead More lung cancer Essay1459 Words   |  6 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lung cancer is the most common cancer-related cause of death among men and women. Lung cancer can be undetected for many years causing it to become more dangerous and possibly fatal. There is not cure for lung cancer or any cancer, but if detected in an early stage the lung cancer can be detected, treated, and hopefully terminated. There are many new and developing treatments being tested now that may save lives in the future. Thr ough understanding what the lung cancer is, doctors canRead MoreLung Cancer Term Paper1559 Words   |  7 PagesLung Cancer Week 6 Term Paper for Professor Inglis Kelvin Samuels Introduction My topic for this term paper will be lung cancer. This topic was chosen because I have pass family whove lost their lives to lung cancer. I believe the best way to start is by defining the disease. We will then take a glance at statistics and risk factors for lung cancer. Next will look at lung cancer symptoms, staging and treatment, and finally I will draw my final conclusion. I. What is Lung Cancer? A simple andRead MoreCancer And The Second Point1432 Words   |  6 PagesSince the beginning of time cancer has had a major impact on the world, from your love ones or your self slowly dying from it. What is Cancer, where did it come from, how did we as humans get it? Who does it affect? Are there different types of cancer? Can I get cancer? These are just some questions that can go through a persons mind just thinking about cancer or seeing it in the media. The Definition of cancer is a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the bodyRead MoreCancer : The Master Of Disguise Essay1122 Words   |  5 PagesCancer: The Master of Disguise Cancer, the second leading cause of death in the United States. It claims thousands of lives every day. From young to old, cancer does not discriminate by age, sex, race nor religion. By definition, cancer is abnormal multiplication of cells that spreads into surrounding tissues. It can also start anywhere in the human body. Most cancers actually start as tumors, which is a tissue mass that serves no purpose. Some people have no symptoms, and they usually do not find

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Ernest Hemingways A Farewell to Arms - Hopeless...

Hopeless Suffering in A Farewell to Arms Near the end of A Farewell to Arms Ernest Hemingway has Fredrick Henry describe the time he placed a log full of ants on a fire. This incident allows us to understand a much larger occurrence, Catherines pregnancy. Combined, both of these events form commentary on the backdrop for the entire story, World War One. After he finds out his son was stillborn, Lt. Henry remembers the time when he placed a log full of ants on a fire. After sitting for a moment, the log began burning. When it started to burn the ants came out of the log. They ran back and forth across the log, first towards the flames, then away. Eventually most of them fell into the fire and burned. A very small†¦show more content†¦Nothing bad has happened yet, but the outcome is inevitable. As Fredrick says of the labor, this was the price you paid for sleeping together(320). Once the labor begins, in their own way both Fredrick and Catherine begin to run back and forth between the fire and the cooler end of the log. In Catherine this takes the form of labor pains, which come and go repeatedly. Fredrick goes back and forth between the pain of the hospital and the calm of the cafe. Both are seeking release from their pain by the birth of their child. In the mean time, both struggle mechanically. In an attempt to escape the pain, Catherine is repeatedly given gas. At one point Fredrick says he cant give her any more because it might kill you(322). It is possible that the effects of the gas weakened Catherine to the point that she dies. In this way the gas is like the water thrown on the log. At first it seems like it will help, but in the end it is just another way to die. At the end of the book Catherine has burned up in the fire, while Fredrick wanders away burnt and flattened like one of the ants that escaped the flames(327). This same pattern is seen in World War One itself. Before World War One Europe had been relatively peaceful. But, like the fire under the log, forces such as Nationalism had been building that would eventually cause an explosion. This is seen in the ubiquitous Powder Keg analogy. Once the war began theShow MoreRelatedThe Struggle of Life and War in Ernest Hemingway’s Writing 1071 Words   |  5 PagesErnest Hemingway was one of the greatest authors of the twentieth century. His simple style, lucid depictions, and relatable narratives propelled him into a world of literary fame. These unique attributes are inimitable; Hemingway relates to the reader on a deeper level that even the best imitators cannot achieve. For this and many other reasons, critics praise Hemingway for the indefinable work of an exceptional writer. One of his most well-known novels, A Farewell to Arms, is notorious for its

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Corporate Law ASX Listed Firms

Question: Discuss about theCorporate Lawfor ASX Listed Firms. Answer: Introduction The main objective of this assignment is to bring out the main objective of the directors of a company and their limitation and duties regarding the issue of shares and dividends to its shareholders. This paper also throws light on the consequences in case of a second strike takes place by the shareholders if they are not content with the remuneration reports. This essay will talk about the legal issues in relation to the issue of shares and dividends, and application will be provides for the issue concerned and lastly, with the help of law we can help in bringing out a conclusion for this case study. Issue Do the authorities of Waldmart have the right to issue bonus shares and can the shareholders in the coming up annual general meeting oppose them not to issue the share? Rule In Australia, the companies acts major legislations are from The Corporation Act 2001[1], section 254T [2] and 254A[3] are the provisions that are related to the issues of the shares and debenture[4] and the bonus shares by the directors. The Corporation Amendments[5] Bill 2011 gave scope to the consequences and circumstances which led to second strike in a company. The duties of the directors of the company are laid down under the sections 180-182 of the Corporation Act. These sections lay down that the directors should deal with the affairs of the company with utmost care and diligence[6], also these sections point out the duty of the directors is to make sure there is decorum that has to be maintained and always support the company in case there is a conflict between an individual and the company. Application Section 254A[7] can be applied in the first issue of the given case and other laws that are related to bonus shares are also applied. Under section 254A of the Corporation Act, the directors in a company have the rights or power to issue bonus shares as per their discretion. The primary role of the director is to make sure that while making these discretions, he should be sure that his opinions or decisions are in the favour of the company and its shareholders and do not bring up these kind of issue when the company is insolvent or may become insolvent because of their issues. The ability and the capability of the company should be kept in mind while making the payment of the liability after such shares being issued. In this case of Waldmart Ltd. Has issued bonus share to attract the shareholders to approve the remuneration reports and so that no strikes are caused for the second time in the company. There was no best interest of the company kept in mind while imparting this issue by the directors of the company. Thus, there is breach of duty by the directors of the company under the Corporation Act. Therefore, the shareholders of the Waldmart Ltd. Have the right and the power to challenge the decisions of the directors[8] in the Annual General Meeting as well as in the court, we can see this in the case, AISC V Fortescue Metals Group Ltd. Issue Do the shareholders have the right to stop the directors from increasing and paying the decided dividend? Rule In the Corporations Act, under the section 254A[9] the directors are allowed to issue bonus shares to the shareholders, if no remuneration is is given on the basis of bonus shares section 124 of the Corporations Act will prevail. There are no changes brought in the capital structure of the company since the issued shares are for free. If the directors fail to do their duty and cause a breach in carrying out the functions of the company and carry out the position given to them by the shareholders to safeguard the company over their own interest[10], this can be seen in the case, The Bell Group Ltd V Westpac Banking Corporation (No 9) [2008] WASC 239. The directors of the company can only allow the bonus shares to be issued, if there is no disadvantage caused to the company in giving back the pay to the shareholders and the creditors of the company. Under section 254T of the Corporation Act, the rules regarding the issue of dividends in case of a company not limited by guarantee is capable of issuing dividends unless the liability of the company is less than the assets then only in such circumstances the directors of the company will be allowed to issue the dividends. Application The issues which deals with the dividends that are brought out by Waldmart Ltd are laid down under section 254T of the Corporation Act, it provides the principle and other issues that are related to the dividend in Australia. The directors of the company can issue the dividends only if he is sure of the fact that the issuing of the dividends will not cause any financial harm to the company and will be in the best interest of the company. in Waldmart Ltd, the directors also had to make sure that the assets of the company are more than the liability of the company so that the company has no issues in clearing off the debt of the company. it is the duty of the directors to be fair and reasonable to their shareholders before the dividends have to be declared. But in this case the directors have attracted the shareholders only for the purpose to approve the reports of remuneration so that no strike would take place. However, in this case the issue has come out because the decision which w as made was not in the best interest of the company and the company would face financial instability. The shareholders have the right to oppose against the directors as they are fully aware of the fact that the decision of the directors will lead to financial loss for the company and them. Thus, they decided to oppose the decision in the Annual General Meeting of the company as the directors were not making the decision in relation to the best interest of the company and the shareholders, they was breach of the duty of the directors of the company. In the case, QBE Insurance Group Ltd V AISC[11] it was clearly stated that the directors could not issue dividends to determine the company. Issue What will be the consequence if the shareholders vote against the remuneration report and a second strike takes place? Rule The directors have to keep in mind the status of the company after making back the payment to its creditors[12]. If such pay backs will make the company bankrupt, then the directors of the company shall not declare the dividends. Insolvency is restricted and penalty is imposed on the directors under section 588G of the Corporation Act, if they declare the dividends of the company making the company solvent. This was seen in the case, Hilton International Ltd V Hilton (1988) NZHC 605[13]. Only those shareholders[14] that have at least minimum of 5% of the voting rights of the company that are in relation to the Annual general meeting, can make the directors of the company hold a meeting or even they can conduct a meeting in regard to the management of the company. The directors have to be very responsible regarding the affairs of the company in relation to the two strike rules. If a company[15] gets exposed to a 2nd strike by the shareholders all the directors of the company will be liable to re election. When the shareholders and the directors do not agree with reports being published by the directors in relation to the remuneration, and it fails to get a minimum of 25% votes in that case then the 2nd strike takes place by the shareholders. The reason for 1st strike by the shareholders is because the directors fail to give out the desired result in the remuneration report and fail to get 25% votes. Now, if all the directors are opposed to re-election is not sure. Thi s can be seen within 90 days a pill meeting take place where the re-election is held. This process is called the spill resolution, which excludes the re election of the managing director[16] of the company, because he has the pressure to manage the affairs of the company. Application The shareholders of the company were not in favour of the remuneration reports hence they did not approve it. The shareholders were sure of the fact that the decision made by the directors were definitely not in the best interest of the company and its shareholders as it would bring financial loss to them. Therefore, after the first strike the shareholders would initiate a second one against the directors decisions. If the 2nd strike would take place this would result in the re-election of all the directors of Waldmart Ltd. by the shareholders. The shareholders will then by the process of Spill resolution re appoint all the directors for the company except the managing director of the company. it will be the duty of the shareholders to start the spill meeting where the election will take place within 90 days of the resolution being passed. This entire process of re election would not be applied to the managing director of the company as the main affairs of the company are managed by the managing director. Conclusion In end of this case study, it can be noted that the powers to issue the bonus shares are given to the directors; it is the right of the director to perform their duty with care, diligence and in the best interest of the company and its shareholders. Under section 254A of the Corporation Act, the same has been specified. The powers and the duties of the directors of a company are laid down under the sections 180-183 of the Corporation Act. And the issue of dividends are restricted under the section 254T of the Corporation Act. Thus, when there is a 2nd strike in the Waldmart Ltd. Company that will lead to re-election of the directors that are chosen for the process of re-appointment. The re-appointed will be done by the shareholders of Waldmart Ltd. through Spill meeting, leaving out the Managing director, he will be excluded from this re appointment as he has a crucial role to manage the affairs of the company. Hence, while considering the re-election the managing director of the com pany will not be involved in this process. Reference List Austin R.P. Ramsay, I., Ford's Principles of Corporations Law, Butterworths, Australia, 16th edition, 2014. Baxt, R., and Fletcher, K.L., Fridman, S., Corporations and Associations Cases and Materials on, Butterworths, Australia, 10th edition, 2008. Bugeja, Martin, et al. "Life after a Shareholder Pay'Strike': Consequences for ASX-Listed Firms." (2016). Cassidy J., Corporations Law Text and Essential Cases. Federation Press, 4th edition Sydney 2013 Ciro T, Symes C, Corporations Law in Principle LBC Thomson Reuters, Sydney, 9th edition 2013 Fisher S, Anderson C, Dickfos, Corporations Law - Butterworths Tutorial Series, 4th Edition Butterworths, Sydney 2014 Fitzpatrick, Symes, Veljanovski, Parker, Business and Corporations Law; LexisNexis 3rd edition 2017 Hanrahan, P., Ramsay I., Stapledon G., Commercial Applications of Company Law. Oxford 18th edition 2017 Harris J, Butterworths Questions and Answers Corporations Law:, LexisNexis, 3rd Edition Sydney 2009. Harris J, Corporations Law, LexisNexis Study Guide 1st edition 2008 Harris, J. Hargovan, A. Adams, M., Australian Corporate Law LexisNexis Butterworths 5th edition, 2015. Li, G, Riley, S. Applied Corporate Law: A Bilingual Approach LexisNexis 1st Edition 2009. Parker, Clarke, Veljanovski, Posthouwer, Corporate Law, Palgrave 1st edition 2012 Redmond, P., Companies and Securities Law - Commentary and Materials, Law Book Co., Sydney, 5th, 2009. Tomasic, R. Bottomley,S. McQueen,R. Corporations Law in Australia, 2nd Edition Federation Press, Sydney 2002. Tomasic, R.,Jackson, J.,Woellner, R., Corporations Law - Principles, Policy and Process 4th Edition Butterworths., Sydney, 2002.