Thursday, May 14, 2020

Lung Cancer The Most Deadly Types Of Cancer - 1621 Words

Lung Cancer is one of the most deadly types of cancer. ?Lung cancer kills more Americans than the next five cancers combined? (Jameson). Lung cancer can be caused by smoking, second hand smoke, pollution, and chemicals. ?Some symptoms of lung cancer may be someone who has a cough that doesn?t go away or gets worse, chest pain that is often worse with deep breathing or coughing or laughing, hoarseness, weight loss and loss of appetite, coughing up blood or rust- colored spit, shortness of breath, felling tired or weak, infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia that don?t go away or keep coming back, new onset of wheezing, and often showing no symptoms until it?s too late? (Ungar). Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a risk factor for developing lung cancer, and have a poor chance of treatment after having lung cancer. People don?t know cancer can kill them. There four stages of lung cancer one through four. . The four stages of lung cancer are in stage one the cancer is only in the lungs and nowhere else yet. In stage two the cancer is in the lungs and is moving nearby the lymph nodes. The third stage of lung cancer has spread to the middle of the chest. In the last and final stage of cancer is the worse of them all it has went into both lungs and fluid around the lung or to other parts of the body such as organs or liver Most consumers have the beliefs that more screenings result in many false positives, which can lead to unnecessary worry, moreShow MoreRelatedLung Cancer : The Deadliest Form Of Cancer Essay1183 Words   |  5 PagesLung cancer is the deadliest form of cancer in the United States. It kills more men and women than a number of cancers combined. The disease has many risk factors that affect the chances of obtaining it. The leading risk factor is one that can be avoided, that is smoking. This paper will look at methods to find, diagnose and treat lung cancer. 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